“A Firsthand Account of Secret Societies”: A Review of 334‰ Lies: The Revelation of H. M. v. Stuhl.


 Translated by Samuel Chong (English trans. June 2021; originally published in German in 2000). ISBN: 9798513274353

In an age of Conspiracy Theory Mania—a mix of those who revel in it and those who completely reject it—there are few subjects that are as thorny and contentious as the idea that there are secret lodges or societies that set the course of geopolitics from the shadows, engineering puppet governments, wars, and catastrophes to subjugate humanity and main ultimate control.

From the innocuous fraternal organizations like the Freemasons, to political and economic organizations like the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and Club of Rome, the idea that a select few are making decisions for billions is one that is often met with anger and fierce recrimination. No matter the “evidence” put forth about odd places like Bohemian Grove and secret satchels with documents outlining the course of wars originating with the Bavarian Illuminati; no matter the coming forth of whistleblowers, victims, and others claiming to have witnessed horrific rituals or to have been subjected to brainwashing and all manner of mental and physical abuse; no matter the exposure of monsters such as Jeffrey Epstein and his powerful playmates—most people just don’t want to know. Their psyches cannot process such unfathomable truths.

Perhaps that is for the best, especially in the case of this highly disturbing but also highly instructive and insightful book.

I first learned of the existence of 334‰ Lies: The Revelation of H. M. v. Stuhl from its translator, Samuel Chong, a man of great integrity and intellect who also translated Michel Desmarquet’s story of a ten-day abduction by Higher Intelligences, The Thiaoouba Prophecy. Samuel is willing to answer questions, is not afraid to consider difficult aspects of these works, and has a keen ability to make sense of complex ideas. So when he suggested this book, I went out and purchased it without delay.

I want to be clear (as is the author)—this is not a book for the squeamish or faint of heart. This is not beach reading for the Moms of Instagram or perhaps even the majority of average citizens.

The author uses a nom de plume, H. M. v. Stuhl,  which I theorize translates to His Majesty [or Highest Master] the Chair, meaning the holder of the highest seat in the lodge that oversees nearly all of the shadowy lodges and secret societies that are almost certainly running the world, because they run the corporations, the infrastructure, and own the politicians (whom they personally choose).

For those who know my work (or are familiar with writers such as Robert Anton Wilson, Brad Steiger, David Icke, and Collin Robert Bowling), this is the COMIIC—the Corporate Oligarchy Military Industrial Intelligence Complex—incarnate.

The book opens with a cascade of provocative statements: “334‰ of this book are lies. The rest is lodge." There is a clear message here if you do the math. Published in 2000, it “caused a stir,” and was known simply as “the Book.” It apparently caused the death of three teenagers in a Swiss forest two years later, their “bodies … arranged in a star shape. Their feet touched an open copy of the book that lay right in the middle.” It’s said that forums and posts that discussed this book have been wiped from the Internet. “Do not read this book!” we’re warned. “Burn it now while you are still ignorant.” Then, in opposition to the opening statement, the first section closes with, “Maybe everything is true as written in this book.” The first chapter restates this even more vigorously: “What I say is not made up. It is reliable and true.”

Genius marketing or legitimate warning… you’ll no doubt decide.

All that’s known of the author is that he disappeared in the summer of 2001 at the age of 41.

Over the course of the book, he shares how he was recruited while living a mundane, unfulfilling life as a college student by a beautiful, mysterious girl (that old trope) and over the years—after a brutal, scatological, deviant, and disturbing set of initiations—ascended to the highest attainable position in the international network of lodges. A level that had to be specially designated for him, so powerful had he become. Further, to demonstrate that power, he had survived both challenges he made and that were made to him in a sort of psychic showdown designed to demonstrate one’s worthiness to lead.

As to the initiations… I again have to warn you that they are detailed and very violent. There are instances of prolonged torture, unspeakable acts of degradation, and murder. These are not merely detailed for shock value, however, and I would not categorize them as “torture porn.” These events are crucial to the recruiting and brainwashing process in these types of organizations and are instructive of how the ego is thoroughly broken down by these societies so it can be replaced with their branding and modes of thought. They are instructive of how someone with no confidence can find their confidence through these acts, albeit in a very psychologically dangerous and ultimately inexcusable way.

Gangs, cults, and elite military-style organizations use these same techniques to varying degrees and it is a good idea for everyone to understand how these and other protocols are used for social control.  

The author tells us that there was a fight amongst the highest members for control after the passing of his mentor, from whom he took the mantle. At one point, to prove his mastery over his competitors, he allows himself to be buried for six weeks. Although I have read accounts from the Middle East and India of those who can remain without air for days, I have never heard of anything close to this. Even the famous magician David Blaine only managed 17 minutes.

The author reports that the stakes had gotten exceedingly high. In one camp—his—compassionate leadership and stewardship of the world was the decided-on path. In the other camp, however—well… all of the conspiracy tropes come into play (however unstated they remain), from the international banking cartels to Satanic or reptilian bloodlines and cults.

Correlation is not necessarily causation, but after the author relinquished his spot and disappeared… a few months later, we had 9/11. And look what we’ve had since… a protracted war in the Middle East, the housing/banking crash of 2008, the COVID-19 pandemic, the invasion of Ukraine, and unprecedented saber-rattling between China and America.

So this book is not just an edgy, dark confessional—it is a handbook on how to destroy these dangerous lodges from within.

There is an Appendix that ends the book with sections of several methods involving numerology and the positions of the planets in our solar system for those interested in developing some of the psychic techniques that the author talks about (also at length) in the text.

This book truly is an astounding mix of tired tropes, insider knowledge, long-held theories, and disturbing revelations, and surprising advice. In keeping with this spirit, this murdering, scam-running, deviant individual tells us in the end to “Abstain from crimes… Do not be seduced. Do not be guided by your ego, your ideas or your pettiness.” He speaks in the end, of the power of Love and tells us that the power of the collective consciousness of humanity can overcome any supernatural powers the masters of the lodges possess. He also speaks cryptically of a man with a fourth son who is intimated to be the Savior.

Skim the darkest parts if you must, but for those with an interest in what have been variously called Secret Lodges/Societies, the Illuminati, the New World Order, the Global Elite, and the International Banking Cabal, this is essential and eye-opening reading.


Bethenny said…
I just finished translating the German edition into english with chatGPT. I had translated it a couple years ago manually through google translate -- was a nightmare of course; but now with this clean and polished translation I'm looking forward to converting it into TTS and listening to this epic saga once again!

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