“Of Underground Alien Bases”: Alien Park, Dunes, by Andrew and Julia Oien
(2018). ISBN: 978-1548347208 Since April 2020, at the start of the pandemic, when the Pentagon and US Navy officially acknowledged the legitimacy of the gimbal, tic-tac, and go fast videos “leaked” to the NY Times , and culminating in the hollow “disclosure” of the nine-page Pentagon report about a month ago, everyone is talking about the possibility of off-world ships and alien life. A handful of talking heads are working the circuit hard, showing the same footage and using the same terminology, although I noticed last week a new term: “advanced aerospace vehicles,” which sounds almost, well… terrestrial . I have also noticed a trend toward the legitimization of certain aspects of fringe science. Scientists recently announced that they have seen the far side of a black hole and have “proven” Einstein’s theory of relativity. To them and others like them: welcome to the twenty-first century. Nice to have you with us. The military-industrial-intelligence complex (MII...