“The Science of Alien Abduction and Interference”: A Review of A Scientist’s Own Alien Abduction Encounters: Dominion Lost, UNABRIDGED by Bruce Rapuano
(Self-published, 2023). ISBN: 9798861535755 Dominion Lost is one of the most compelling, convincing narratives of ET abduction that I have ever read. This is no small compliment: over the past 15 years, after my own experience with missing time and probable ET abduction, I have studied this field intensively, reading many books, interviewing dozens of abductees and contactees, and carefully considering the evidence. Although UFOlogists lament the lack of attention paid to your “everyday person,” and I have long been skeptical of the assumption that being a police officer or airline pilot makes that individual’s report of an experience more accurate and credible, there is something encouraging about the increasing numbers of medical professionals and scientists taking a serious look at UFOlogy. Dr. John Mack, Pulitzer Prize–winning Harvard psychiatrist, nearly lost his position in the university medical school because of his study of abductees. Since that time, other p...