“A New Paradigm for Consciousness Studies”: A Review of Convergence: The Interconnection of Extraordinary Experience by Barbara Mango, PhD and Lynn Miller, MS
(atmospherepress.com, 2021). ISBN: 978-1636495491 Subvert the dominant paradigm . (note hanging in Dr. John Mack’s Harvard office) Conversations are changing all over the globe. The pandemic, political upheaval, and hard lessons about the dangers of Social Media are driving dialogues in new directions—hopefully giving rise to the resurrection of Complexity, so long the victim of Reductionism—and the study of Consciousness and the survival of Consciousness after death are also front and center. The pointedly engineered misconception of Spirit being separate from Matter and Spirituality being separate from Science is beginning to know its dying days. An increasing alliance of neuroscientists, psychologists, paranormal researchers and experiencers, philosophers, entrepreneurs, story analysts, and health and wellness practitioners are making a strong case—from a variety of facets of this all-important diamond—that there IS Life after Death, Consciousness is nonlocal, and ...